
Voir Boyhood Shadows en streaming vf

Boyhood Shadows journeys with Glenn, revealing a story that began as a young boy under the power of a sexual predator. The story chronicles Glenn’s struggle as he tries to make sense of his life as a youngster, keeping his secret and shame inside, promising to tell no one. Quelling his pain as a teen through alcohol and drugs, he held tight to his secret. Glenn’s story is detailed by wrenching testimonials of his brothers and sister, his mother and father – who each recognized something was wrong with this once-golden-boy – but at a loss to understand the cause of his devastation. After suffering for decades, living on the streets, addicted to alcohol and drugs and sex – Glenn finally came up for air. It tells of his past and his present…funny, poignant and sad. Glenn’s story is interspersed with those of twenty other boys-turned-men who share the same history. Their stories are all different…but unfortunately, all the same. One in six boys is sexually molested by the age of 16..

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